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Автор Тема: Test Torrent Stream software version 1.0.6 (for Ubuntu) (En)  (Прочитано 162640 раз)

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Re: Test Torrent Stream software version 1.0.6 (for Ubuntu) (En)
« Ответ #15 : 17 Ноября 2012, 20:02:22 »

Sorry there is English topic and I wrote to Russian earlier.... :-/ I'm new to linux but I'm getting used to it and llike it. As windws user it's easy to use streamtorrent no problem at all, but in Ubuntu I got some problems. When I try to intsall the package its says me in software center that libupnp3>=1.4.3. With little search I found the package on the net but it conflicts with the already installed libupnp6. If I uninstall libupnp6 and install libupnp3
sudo apt-get remove libupnp6 && sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/libupnp3_*.deb
I read that I'll have problem with vlc and sopcast-player. And I use also sopcast player. Any other solution????


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Re: Test Torrent Stream software version 1.0.6 (for Ubuntu) (En)
« Ответ #16 : 19 Ноября 2012, 01:16:50 »

Anyone to help???? What to do with libupnp3??? Can I make it work with libupnp6 that is installed??? Will there be any new release to fix this??? JUST AN ANSWER! Even if it's use windows... Just answer to know...