Can you compile an ARM version, so we can use it on raspberry pi, please?
You dont need to have a raspberry pi to do that, as you can emulate the OS in windows or linux. Also you dont need to compile the python modules neither openssl for the program to work. You just need to install the modules as apt-get packages and compile the main source as if it is any regular linux distro.
So using linux/windows and using qemu and use it as a development environment to compile the program:
http://xecdesign.com/qemu-emulating-raspberry-pi-the-easy-way/Also most of the required dependencies are available through debian packages:
sudo apt-get install python-M2Crypto python-amf python-apsw
So you have only to install the modules and compile the original source in the emulator, exactly as you did with any other linux distro.
Also with qemu you can enable ssh/ftp on the guest machine so it's quite easy to get the compiled files to the host computer.
There are 2 millions of people who bought already the raspberry pi. Most of people is using XBMC. There is a addon for it which runs Sopcast and Acestream. All platforms run fine except raspberry pi for AceStream engine which is outdated and dont work properly. Using AceStream on a such a low cost device like the raspberry pi could be a way to expand enormously your user base.
We dont have the source code, so we cant do it...