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Автор Тема: If you see this message: "10013 "Permission Denied"  (Прочитано 199401 раз)

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If you see this message: "10013 "Permission Denied"
« : 27 Июня 2012, 10:24:50 »

If you see this message, it means that operation system denied bgprocess to open port 62062.

Reasons that cause this problem can be different. Here we will show you all problems identified by our users and their solutions.

One of the reasons that causes the problem "10013 Permission Denied" is connected with the opening of public access to the internet connection.  To fix this problem on Win 7, go to the network connections properties – "Sharing" – uncheck option "Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection" (on the picture below you can see how it should be)



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Re: If you see this message: "10013 "Permission Denied"
« Ответ #1 : 27 Июня 2012, 16:25:50 »

Another reason and its solution was found by one of users – mike.t

Solution for Windows 7 x64:

1. in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\ create value (DWORD) "MaxUserPort" = fffe.

2. Reload

Detailed instruction how to check (add) this parameter to the registry (for those, who don’t know how to do that):

1. Go to menu "Start" and choose "Run..." (or press <Win>+R).
2. Enter "regedit" and press "ОК".
3. Registry editor for Windows is opened.
4. Choose "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" in the list on the left and then choose "System".
5. Then choose "CurrentControlSet".
6. Then choose "Services".
7. Then choose "Tcpip".
8. Then choose "Parameters". Check for the parameter MaxUserPort and its value 0x0000fffe (65534) in the appeared list of parameters in the right side of the window.
    If the value doesn’t match the right one, go to paragraph 11.
    If there’s no such parameter, go to paragraph 9.
9. Create a new parameter. To do this, right click anywhere on the right side of the window, in the drop-down menu select "New" and then "DWORD".
10. Enter name of a new parameter "MaxUserPort".
11. Set parameter’s value. To do this, right click on the parameter "MaxUserPort", in the drop-down menu select "Modify".
12. In the dialog box in the field "Value data" enter "fffe". Base should be "hexadecimal". Press "ОК".