Ok, thanks. On the source PC use only acestreamengine. With other components(acestream-player....) I have unmet dependencies.
Run source:
marian@marian-lubuntu:~$ acestreamengine --stream-source --name "stv1" --title "stv1" --source "" --bitrate 300000 --publish-dir "/var/www/html/acelive" --cache "/var/www/html/acelive" --quality SD --category movies --log-debug -1
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py:1049: UserWarning: /home/marian/.python-eggs is writable by group/others and vulnerable to attack when used with get_resource_filename. Consider a more secure location (set with .set_extraction_path or the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable).
warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
2015-05-30 10:46:15,200|MainThread|acestream|enable debug: 1
2015-05-30 10:46:15,287|MainThread|acestream.SocketHandler.InterruptSocket|bound on
2015-05-30 10:46:15,288|MainThread|acestream.SocketHandler.SocketHandler|bind: socket bound: host= port=7764
2015-05-30 10:46:15,288|MainThread|acestream.LM|listen on 7764
2015-05-30 10:46:15,295|Thread-14|acestream.upnp|start __retry_discover()
2015-05-30 10:46:15,361|MainThread|acestream.InfiniteHTTPStream|open stream: url= reader=builtin thread=MainThread
2015-05-30 10:46:15,378|MainThread|acestream.streamer|private node: 0
2015-05-30 10:46:15,380|MainThread|acestream.streamer|trackers: ['']
2015-05-30 10:46:15,381|MainThread|acestream.streamer|metatrackers: []
2015-05-30 10:46:15,382|MainThread|acestream.streamer|bitrate: 300000
2015-05-30 10:46:15,382|MainThread|acestream.streamer|piece size: 262144
2015-05-30 10:46:15,383|MainThread|acestream.streamer|chunk size: 16384
2015-05-30 10:46:15,386|AceStreamCoreThread|acestream.Live.Storage|__init__: type=disk size=209715200 overflow=5242880 dir=/var/www/html/acelive piecelen=262144 chunklen=16384 chunks_per_piece=16 delete_pieces_before_playback=0
2015-05-30 10:46:15,391|AceStreamCoreThread|acestream.StorageEngineDisk|cache path: /var/www/html/acelive/tmpoDqgRm
2015-05-30 10:46:15,386|MainThread|acestream.streamer|publish dir: /var/www/html/acelive
2015-05-30 10:46:15,393|MainThread|acestream.streamer|cache dir: /var/www/html/acelive
2015-05-30 10:46:15,399|VideoSourceThread-17|acestream.videosource|started input thread
HTTPHandler: - - [30/May/2015:10:46:15] "GET /announce?info_hash=%93b%AB%87%10%E2%DC%14%1C%28%E0%8A%2A1o%0F%CA%15%84%86&peer_id=R20------1QET2TmyMZj&port=7764&compact=1&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=1024&numwant=200&no_peer_id=1&event=started HTTP/1.1" 200 62 "-" "ACEStream/3.0.3"
2015-05-30 10:47:31,116|Thread-14|acestream.upnp|No UPnP device Found
Thus formed stream locally (via aceproxy) play -its ok:
marian@marian-lubuntu:~/dvb/utility/aceproxy$ ./acehttp.py
30.05.2015 10:50:30 DEBUG INIT: Plugin loaded: Stat
30.05.2015 10:50:35 DEBUG VlcClient_init: Successfully connected with VLC socket!
30.05.2015 10:50:35 INFO VlcClient_recvData: Authentication successful
30.05.2015 10:50:35 INFO HTTP: VLC spawned with pid 3033
30.05.2015 10:50:36 INFO HTTP: Ace Stream spawned with pid 3039
30.05.2015 10:50:36 INFO HTTP: Using gevent 1.0
30.05.2015 10:50:36 INFO HTTP: Using psutil 2.1.1
30.05.2015 10:50:36 INFO HTTP: Using VLC VLC media player 2.2.0 Weatherwax
30.05.2015 10:50:36 INFO HTTP: Server started.
30.05.2015 10:51:02 INFO http_HTTPHandler: Accepted connection from path /torrent/http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%2Facelive%2Fstv1.acelive/video.mp4
30.05.2015 10:51:02 INFO AceClient_init: Successfully connected with Ace!
30.05.2015 10:51:02 DEBUG HTTP: AceClient created
30.05.2015 10:51:02 DEBUG HTTP: hangDetector spawned
30.05.2015 10:51:03 DEBUG AceClient_aceInit: aceInit ended
30.05.2015 10:51:03 DEBUG HTTP: AceClient inited
30.05.2015 10:51:03 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: STATUS changed to main:loading
30.05.2015 10:51:03 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Content info: {u'status': 1, u'files': [[u'stv1', 0]], u'infohash': u'9362ab8710e2dc141c28e08a2a316f0fca158486', u'checksum': u'ec1c8ee4a5cff18e1a9f16cc0d2b91237b56dc68'}
30.05.2015 10:51:03 DEBUG HTTP: START done
30.05.2015 10:51:03 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: STATUS changed to main:idle
30.05.2015 10:51:03 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: STATUS changed to main:starting
30.05.2015 10:51:04 DEBUG HTTP: Got url
30.05.2015 10:51:04 DEBUG VlcClient_recvData: Broadcast started
30.05.2015 10:51:04 DEBUG VlcClient_startBroadcast: Broadcast started
30.05.2015 10:51:04 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: STATUS changed to main:dl
30.05.2015 10:51:04 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 10:51:04 DEBUG HTTP: VLC url - - [30/May/2015 10:51:04] "GET /torrent/http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%2Facelive%2Fstv1.acelive/video.mp4 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
30.05.2015 10:51:04 DEBUG HTTP: Headers sent
30.05.2015 10:51:04 DEBUG http_proxyReadWrite: Started
30.05.2015 10:51:05 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 10:51:06 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: PAUSE event
30.05.2015 10:51:06 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: STATUS changed to main:buf
30.05.2015 10:51:06 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 10:51:07 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 10:51:08 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 10:51:09 DEBUG http_hangDetector: Client disconnected
30.05.2015 10:51:09 DEBUG HTTP: END REQUEST
30.05.2015 10:51:09 DEBUG HTTP: Sleeping for 3 seconds
30.05.2015 10:51:09 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 10:51:10 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 10:51:11 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 10:51:12 DEBUG HTTP: That was the last client, destroying AceClient
30.05.2015 10:51:12 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: RESUME event
30.05.2015 10:51:12 DEBUG VlcClient_recvData: Broadcast stopped
30.05.2015 10:51:12 DEBUG VlcClient_stopBroadcast: Broadcast stopped
30.05.2015 10:51:12 DEBUG AceClient_destroy: Destroying client...
30.05.2015 10:51:12 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Got SHUTDOWN from engine
This stream also played on another PC in the same subnet - via aceproxy or aceplayer for windows(xp,7).
PC behind NAT for this stream is not working:
marian@debian:~/aceproxy$ ./acehttp.py
30.05.2015 11:07:11 DEBUG INIT: Plugin loaded: Stat
30.05.2015 11:07:11 DEBUG INIT: Plugin loaded: P2pproxy
30.05.2015 11:07:11 DEBUG INIT: Plugin loaded: Torrenttv
30.05.2015 11:07:11 DEBUG INIT: Plugin loaded: Torrenttelik
30.05.2015 11:07:16 DEBUG VlcClient_init: Successfully connected with VLC socket!
30.05.2015 11:07:16 INFO VlcClient_recvData: Authentication successful
30.05.2015 11:07:16 INFO HTTP: VLC spawned with pid 1984
30.05.2015 11:07:17 INFO HTTP: Ace Stream spawned with pid 1991
30.05.2015 11:07:17 INFO HTTP: Using gevent 1.0.1
30.05.2015 11:07:17 INFO HTTP: Using psutil 2.1.1
30.05.2015 11:07:17 INFO HTTP: Using VLC VLC media player 2.2.0-rc2 Weatherwax
30.05.2015 11:07:17 INFO HTTP: Server started.
30.05.2015 11:07:19 INFO http_HTTPHandler: Accepted connection from path /torrent/http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.102%2Facelive%2Fstv1.acelive/video.mp4
30.05.2015 11:07:19 INFO AceClient_init: Successfully connected with Ace!
30.05.2015 11:07:19 DEBUG HTTP: AceClient created
30.05.2015 11:07:19 DEBUG HTTP: hangDetector spawned
30.05.2015 11:07:19 DEBUG AceClient_aceInit: aceInit ended
30.05.2015 11:07:19 DEBUG HTTP: AceClient inited
30.05.2015 11:07:20 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: STATUS changed to main:loading
30.05.2015 11:07:20 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Content info: {u'status': 1, u'files': [[u'stv1', 0]], u'infohash': u'9362ab8710e2dc141c28e08a2a316f0fca158486', u'checksum': u'ec1c8ee4a5cff18e1a9f16cc0d2b91237b56dc68'}
30.05.2015 11:07:20 DEBUG HTTP: START done
30.05.2015 11:07:20 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: STATUS changed to main:idle
30.05.2015 11:07:20 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: STATUS changed to main:starting
30.05.2015 11:07:25 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: STATUS changed to main:prebuf
30.05.2015 11:07:25 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 11:07:26 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 11:07:27 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 11:07:28 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 11:07:29 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 11:07:30 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 11:07:31 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 11:07:32 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Current position/last/buf: 100/100/10
30.05.2015 11:07:33 DEBUG http_hangDetector: Client disconnected
30.05.2015 11:07:33 DEBUG HTTP: END REQUEST
30.05.2015 11:07:33 DEBUG HTTP: That was the last client, destroying AceClient
30.05.2015 11:07:33 ERROR VlcClient_recvData: Broadcast does not exist!
30.05.2015 11:07:33 ERROR VlcClient_stopBroadcast: stopBroadcast error
30.05.2015 11:07:33 DEBUG AceClient_destroy: Destroying client...
30.05.2015 11:07:33 DEBUG AceClient_recvdata: Got SHUTDOWN from engine